We’re Here For You! Call 24-hr live confidential prayer line: 877-443-CARE (2273)
We’re Here For You! Call 24-hr live confidential prayer line:
877-443-CARE (2273)
Prayer Wall
The ALIGHT Prayer Wall is an exciting place to share your prayer request not only with our team but also with prayer warriors all over the world! After sharing your prayer request and including your email address, you will receive an email every time someone prays for you! And when you pray for a request on the wall, an email will be sent to that person letting them know they have been prayed for.
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Oscar Bylee
Sister Parker is a nurse. She is sick and needs to get well soon. She also needs a financial blessing as well a good night of sleep.
Received: December 21, 2023
Richard Cooper
My name is Richard Cooper and I am a Christian. I am asking for continued prayer through God's mercy and grace that He heals my body.
First of all;
I thank God for healing my lungs and kidney of cancer.
1. I am asking for prayer for total healing to my lungs because I use to smoke cigarettes and the smoke caused emphysema, COPD on my lungs. Please pray that God totally heals my lungs from the COPD so that I can breathe without being short winded.
2. Please continue to pray for me that God will continue to totally heals all of the rest of my body, thanks.
3. On September 26th I had scans of my lungs and my kidneys, Praise God my lungs and kidney are healed from cancer. God does answer prayers.
4. Please pray for total healing of my back that I not have pain anymore from spinal stenosis or arthritis in my back.
5. Please pray for total healing of my eyes, that my eyes not be dry and that they not feel heavy and irritated and sleepy all day and that I have energy.
6. Please pray for total healing of my ears, the doctor said that I have tinnitus which is a high pitch sound in the ears all day.
7. Please pray for total healing of my mind that I not have anxiety, depression and oppression.
8. Please pray that I be able to sleep peacefully and restfully every night and that I wake up fresh in the mornings. Also, that I not need pills to sleep.
9. Please pray that God will help me to be able to serve and honor Him with this life that He is giving me.
Received: December 21, 2023
Andrew Vogt
For my ex girlfriend that if the Lord wills He will bring us closer together, bring us back together in a loving relationship and help us to communicate better. That the Lord will give her clarity with the problems she needs to work on with herself for our relationship to work and that it will go from her head to her heart as to what she needs to fix. For guidance, wisdom and counsel. Someone to guide her to be the woman God Wants her to be. That the Lord will heal her heart and ease her of her burdens and that the Lord will dispel all the fear she has and replace it with love and peace. That the Lord will break down her walls so that she's not so defensive towards me and towards God. May the Holy Spirit soften her heart.
Received: December 20, 2023
Please pray for me. I am dealing with some serious spiritual warfare where I live. Thanks for your prayers and God bless!
Received: December 20, 2023
Please pray for me. I live in a building filled with witches and warlocks - 4 floors of them and they're manipulating my daily life. The most recent thing is that for the past 3 weeks there has been problem after problem with my new membership at the church I recently started attending. The link they sent me had "no" membership classes and they didn't send me an email w/ my member number - something they do for every new member.
Received: December 20, 2023
Pray for my deliverance from debts to be crushed (soonest) under the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ and from this day onwards worries turn into joy, peace, laughter & family rejoices with good health and business sales increases as we know, Nothing is impossible with Our God Amen. Thank you for praying for me.
Received: December 20, 2023
Owen Smith
Pray for Pastor Johnson as he goes through the effects of radiation treatment for stomach cancer. Pray for me and my entire family. Each of us are going through multiple health issues and problems. Thank you for praying for us.
Received: December 19, 2023
Courtney Stone
Pray that I will grow into becoming a Proverbs 31 woman. Pray for me and my grandmas family relationship get better. I am stressed out mentally, emotionally and physically. Pray that my relationship with God will get better.
Received: December 19, 2023
Darla R Stoltzfus
Please pray for my Mom Rita, for healing from her sickness. Please pray for my Dad Eric for healing and strength from his Parkinson's disease.