We’re Here For You! Call 24-hr live confidential prayer line: 877-443-CARE (2273)

We’re Here For You! Call 24-hr live confidential prayer line:

877-443-CARE (2273)

We exist to illuminate Jesus Christ as the Answer


People Are Searching

Many people are desperately searching for help. Searching online. Searching by asking others. Searching by asking God. Searching by crying out. Their need for a life change is like a desperate cry to the world … “Does anybody hear me?” “Does anybody care?” Then in some miraculous way (we know how!), people discover ALIGHT and in turn discover Jesus Christ! 

We are in a spiritual battle for the souls of people.

As the culture in our present world continues to rail against the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we know, God is at work. He continues to rescue, restore, and refresh people through this ministry.

There is a harvest of people crying out for help from whatever circumstance they find themselves in. There is a son, a daughter, a grandchild, a parent, a brother or sister, friend or relative that is lost and disconnected…lost without Christ and disconnected from loved ones and the Word of God. Every life matters to God! 

Together, we can impact lives, families, and communities by making Jesus Christ known in present and future generations.

Partner with us in giving. Your financial support (no matter how small) helps to fuel all the ways in which the gospel is proclaimed. Thank you for helping us.



To reach all people for Christ by all means possible.


God’s Word as absolute truth. The local New Testament church. The souls of all people.


Sharing God’s Truth with a searching world.